Arts & Science Venture Mentoring Service

Arts & Science VMS supports innovation and entrepreneurial activity throughout the Arts & Science community by matching prospective and experienced entrepreneurs with skilled volunteer mentors. We use a team mentoring approach with groups of 3 to 4 mentors sitting with the entrepreneur(s) in sessions that provide practical, day-to-day professional advice and coaching. VMS mentors are selected for their experience in areas relevant to the needs of new entrepreneurs and for their enthusiasm for the program.

VMS assistance is given across a broad range of activity, including product/service development, marketing, intellectual property law, finance, human resources, and founder issues. VMS services are offered without charge to Arts & Science students (undergraduate & graduate), alumni, faculty and staff in the Toronto area.

VMS Model 

  • Unique Team Mentoring methodology
  • Strict code of ethics to assure objective, conflict-free and confidential advice
  • Best practices for screening, training and retaining a community of highly qualified and committed volunteer mentors
  • Focus on developing the entrepreneur as well as their venture
  • Practical, actionable advice
  • Formal operational processes 

VMS Quick Facts

  • VMS is a free service
  • Exclusively for the U of T Arts & Science community
  • All communications are confidential

Program Offerings